Gion Festival – The Best highlight of Summer in Kyoto(祇園祭)


It’s Monsieur A(セ ムシュー ア).




I explain about ” Gion Festival – The Best highlight of Summer in Kyoto” today in French, English, and Japanese.



Le festival de Gion – La meilleure manière de souligner l’été de Kyoto

L’histoire du festival de Gion remonte à plus de 1200 ans. Depuis 2014, de grandes processions de chars prennent place durant deux jours, les 17 et 24 juillet, conformément à la coutume d’origine. Trente-trois chars clinquants, une procession énergique de relique de sanctuaire MIkoshi lors des festivals, Shinko-sai and Kanko-sai, impressionneront véritablement les visiteurs.



Gion Festival – The Best highlight of Summer in Kyoto
The Gion Festival history dates back over 1200 years. Since 2014, the grand processions of floats take place on two different days, the 17th and 24th of July, in accordance with the original custom. Thirty-three gorgeous floats, an energetic procession of Mikoshi portable shrines on the Shinko-sai and the kanko-sai festivals will truly impress every visitor.





Please refer to the below Guide book during your visit ^^






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